Nancy Zamil is a Registered Nurse specializing in Hospice and Home care, Reiki and end of life coaching.

I am a Registered Nurse with a background in Hospice and Home Care, board certified by the American Holistic Nurses Association as a Transformative Nurse Coach and a Reiki Master.

Traveling has been an empowering journey for me. I studied arts and history in Europe, served in the Peace Corps in the Philippines, and continue to explore the United States. I enjoy meditation, nature, vegan cooking, and yoga.

Nancy Zamil, MPH, RN, NC-BC Reiki Master

Kristie Smeltzer | January 29, 2025

Aspirations find support in the hands of these local professionals.

My commitment is helping people who are living with stress achieve balance in their lives using a co-created individual plan of care.
— Nancy

NLZ Coaching, LLC

  • According to the Oxford Dictionary, Reiki is "a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient to activate the natural healing process of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being." Energy can be channeled in person or around the world. As a ten-year Reiki Master, my preference is to provide Reiki healing at a distance because clients have reported feeling more relaxed in the environment of their choosing. Reiki may help with stress reduction, anxiety, depression, balancing immune function, cancer, acute/chronic pain management, Parkinson's, dementia including Alzheimer's, increasing focus, weight loss, improving sleep, spiritual growth, and complementing medical treatments.

  • Health is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being. Wellness is an active process to achieve that state through lifestyle choices. The terms health and wellness have been used interchangeably. Lifestyle is the usual way of life for a person, group, or society. The lifestyle of a particular person or group is the living conditions, behavior, and habits that are typical of them or are chosen by them. The primary difference between health and wellness is that health is the goal and wellness is the active process of achieving it. While we cannot always choose the state of our health, we do have the conscious choice for wellness.

    During the Registered Nurse Coaching session, the client is always in charge of the process in a safe and non-judgmental space. The client and coach co-create an individualized action plan with focused goals and small attainable steps which lead to a sustained outcome of improved health, wellness, and lifestyle choices. The Registered Nurse Coach and the client identify the tools that the client has within him/herself. The client then discovers the answers to their own health and wellness concerns. The Registered Nurse Coach incorporates holistic nurse coaching techniques such as breathwork, humor, mindfulness, or Reiki healing to enhance the transformative experience.

  • End of life happens. As a society, CoVid and other events have alerted us to consider a time when we would not be able to make our own medical decisions and/or have written them down for our family and medical team to follow. End of life Registered Nurse coaching includes discussions of advanced directives, do not resuscitate (DNR), how you choose your medical power of attorney, have conversations with your family and health care team about your care preferences, treatment options, final arrangements, etc. End of life coaching is a gift to you, your family, and your health care team. It will support your written health care decisions.